Phishing is a type of cybercrime that involves deceiving people into revealing sensitive information like passwords or credit card numbers. A phishing link is an email or website that appears to be from a legitimate source but is actually designed to steal your information. Always be careful when clicking on links or entering information online, and never give out your personal information unless you are sure the source is trustworthy.
Phishing scams are when scammers try to get people's personal information by sending them fake emails or text messages.
Some common signs that a message might be a scam include poor grammar or spelling, unexpected attachments, requests for urgent action, and promises of rewards.
If you're not sure whether an email is legitimate, don't open any attachments or click on any links, and contact the company or sender directly to ask if the message is authentic.Phishing is a serious issue that can have costly consequences for businesses and individuals. A recent study showed that phishing attacks cost organizations an average of $1.6 million each. Phishing is a type of attack in which a hacker sends a fraudulent email or text message in an attempt to steal sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers.